Characters: Thomas Raith, Minako Aino, FFVII Sephiroth, Nanaki, Misaki Shiki, Travis Grady, Link, HUNK, and NOW OPEN TO OTHER CHARACTERS
Content: The events of
Day ThreeLocation: ??
Time of day: ??
Warnings: None, probably
Notes: For the time being, this is the only thread in which the missing characters can participate. Missing characters, please track and tag-chain this thread. We would advise you tag when you can instead of aiming for a turn order, but please make sure all tags and characters are acknowledged. Any questions can be addressed to Dia.
This is also the first Underground thread that other characters can join. Anyone interested in investigating the crater as described
here should tag under a separate subthread in this post. They may be able to speak to the missing characters on the other side of the debris.