Lost Dog - [Active, Open]

Nov 23, 2008 12:10

Characters: Bolt, and whoever else wants to save a lost puppy!
Content: Bolt pops out of a box in New York, with his "powers" mysteriously drained.
Location: Somewhere along the Avenue of the Americas
Time of Day: Early afternoon
Warnings: Potential crabby violence?

Darkness. It was dark, and...squishy, somehow, and sticky. Bolt blinked his eyes open to a tiny sliver of light right above his nose. What had happened last? He'd been escaping, and...the Green-Eyed Man...


Bolt was awake in an instant. Growling, he launched himself out of his sticky prison, with small pink noodle-things still clinging to his fur. He spun around, confused. This place looked like a warehouse, full of cardboard boxes. Someone must've brought me here! But no one was around, and most of the boxes looked completely coated in dust. How long had he been here?

Without even stopping to think, the canine bolted out of the warehouse, stumbling down a flight of stairs before he reached the open street.

"PENNY! Penny, where are you?!"

But he didn't see Penny. In fact, there was absolutely no one outside. The streets were abandoned, even of cars and motorcycles. Instead, there were just piles of dirt and rubble, and one of the nearby buildings looked partially collapsed. It all seemed so very wrong.

A nasty smell and unusual sound distracted Bolt from the empty city. He turned to see some...some hideous thing crawling down the warehouse wall and onto the street, straight towards him! It was making cackling, squealing noises, and its various legs waved at him in a manner that was anything but a friendly greeting.

Such a horrible monstrosity could only be the work of the Green-Eyed Man!

"Stay RIGHT where you are, monster, or I'll superbark you!" He growled at the armored bug thing. It didn't listen or care...it just kept advancing towards him, staring straight at him with those beady little eyes. There was no way this thing was natural!

Bolt narrowed his eyes at the menace. "Then you leave me NO choice!"

He put his front paw forward, and his back one backwards, in order to brace himself. The force of his superbark would likely cause severe damage to the surrounding city, but it looked damaged enough already. And this thing had to be stopped! He paused, sucked in his breath, and then unleashed his power in an incredible sonic wave of destruction:


Bolt looked up, expecting the seismic wave of his superbark to send the monster hurtling back hundreds of feet. But it was still there, decidedly un-superbarked, and looking even meaner and hungrier.

No! What's happened to my powers?!

Perhaps he hadn't put his full force behind it. The dog hero steadied himself once again, shut his eyes tight, and superbarked with all his might!


The hideous monster didn't so much as blink. It just squealed and snapped its huge jaws, then leaped like a grasshopper at him! Bolt barely managed to dodge out of the way of one of its massive claws.

That did it. Forgetting about trying to superbark, Bolt turned tail and ran for his life down the empty street. Zoom zoom!

"AWWR, rowf rowf rowf ROWF!"

akira yamabuki, haine rammsteiner, riza hawkeye, bolt

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