No one should brave the underworld alone [ACTIVE/CLOSED]

Nov 17, 2008 18:59

Characters: Heather Cheryl Mason, Odd Thomas, Billy Coen, Larsa Solidor
Content: the merry band of travelers search party for James begins.
Location: Starting at St. Patrick's, and then various abandoned parts of the city or wherever Odd's psychic magnetism leads us, I guess!
Time of day: Morning onwards?
Warnings: There is no way this is going to go as planned.

Cheryl had never been particularly good with goodbyes, she always felt awkward and like she waited too long for her exit. Still, she couldn't leave without a goodbye to her father. So she scribbled a note onto a pad of sticky paper she'd found in the kitchen, and stuck it on his door. Short, and to the point, really.

Don't worry, okay?
We'll be back soon.
I love you.

After that she made her way through the Cathedral and out to the front steps, hugging herself to contain some bodyheat while waiting for the rest of the party to fall in line. It was weird to her, that she was waiting for a group of people when she'd gotten used to going it alone, but it wasn't a bad thing, she supposed. And it wasn't like she was personally invested in this James guy. She'd only talked to him maybe once, and aside from passing by his door a couple times she'd never come face-to-face with the guy. Still, her father was upset, and since he couldn't go looking himself, she'd do it for him. It was kind of her lot in life, picking up where he left off.

heather mason, odd thomas, larsa, billy coen

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