Character(s): Nill and Sasori
Content: Nill visits Sasori at the art shop---which survived!---in the aftermath of the monster's wrath.
Setting: Ultrecht Art Supply
Time: Mid-afternoon
Warnings: This is cuter than it should be. Move along!
I'll never change or rearrange until I've finished what I've started. )
Comments 4
The mute's wings standing ridged, upright, body tense (paranoia; such a fragile state. Akin to silence. So breakable, the smallest noise could cause (a jump, a scream) it to shatter) as she went through the image of the map. Path burned into her mind (Left at--, Right at--). She'd memorized the map, spent the majority of the previous night doing so (can't make a mistake, mustn't let them find me). Nill ( ... )
When her eyes looked up to meet the puppeteer's once more it was solely to mouth two little words,
'I'm sorry.'
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