Character(s): Nill and Sasori
Content: Nill visits Sasori at the art shop---which survived!---in the aftermath of the monster's wrath.
Setting: Ultrecht Art Supply
Time: Mid-afternoon
Warnings: This is cuter than it should be. Move along!
I'll never change or rearrange until I've finished what I've started. )
The mute's wings standing ridged, upright, body tense (paranoia; such a fragile state. Akin to silence. So breakable, the smallest noise could cause (a jump, a scream) it to shatter) as she went through the image of the map. Path burned into her mind (Left at--, Right at--). She'd memorized the map, spent the majority of the previous night doing so (can't make a mistake, mustn't let them find me). Nill was on her way to visit someone she'd been concerned for. Sasori. No, she didn't know the man well at all. Certainly not as well as some of the other residents of Manhattan. Nor could she really read him clearly. However, those moments in the park as she watched him practice were enough. Nill had stopped attending due to certain recent events. She'd hardly been out at all (too paranoid, to frightened of things she couldn't control). She hadn't seen him present on the journals at all, especially not since the attack.
Even still, she wasn't quite sure it was that alone that compelled her to the front entrance to the art shop. Checking to ensure all her bandages (like a broken doll) were clean, in order before firmly knocking on the door to announce her arrival. She had a tendency of accidentally sneaking up on people without meaning to. That was the last thing she wished for at this point.
Without further adieu she gently pushed open the door.
He stood, letting his sleeve fall to cover the damage for what it was worth---and it was worth something, as his hand was unmarred, though the sleeve was still torn; he hadn't bothered to change or mend it yet. He moved to the doorway, annoyed at the interruption until he saw who it had been. (That annoyance hadn't been visible; while he considered himself open to his art, the presence of another person raised that stoicism again. It wasn't intent---it was inclination.) "This is unexpected, but it isn't unwelcome." A moment of silent appraisal passed, the puppeteer assuming it to be on both parts. To his observation, Nill seemed to have no injury impeding her movement, despite the bandages; something had happened to her, but any hurt couldn't have been severe. "I'd wondered what had happened to you, after the practices."
When her eyes looked up to meet the puppeteer's once more it was solely to mouth two little words,
'I'm sorry.'
He was art, and art had no need for hiding.
Raising his eyes as his company did, the artist nodded, seeing the statement. "It's alright. I imagine I would have heard your guardians on the warpath if anything severe had happened to you." A pause. "I was working before you arrived, but you're welcome to stay, and I do hope to see you more often again. My pieces would probably appreciate an agreeable audience."
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