Jan 23, 2004 07:35
well, i just realized i left some things out in that last entry about gun control, so lets wrap things up shall we?
alright, we are pretty much done with the technical crap and as any logical person can see, its all ridiculous. before we get into fixing the gun control problem, lets talk about the opposition.
for one, theres the MMM, or Million Mom March. these people are a bunch of bleeding heart liberal soccer mom's with nothing better to do than ban guns. they are probably crappy parents who's kids are on weed, but would rather blame it on guns because they are an easy target. they organize pathetic protests generally consisting of 4 to 12 people. they preach lies about guns and blather hackneyed slogans in a ridiculous, uninformed attempt to get their point across.
the problem with the MMM and many groups like them is that they are all the same in terms of motivation. they see the driving force behind crime as guns and weapons. guns do not cause crime. they never have and never will. as i have already said, people kill people and they will always find a way.
ok, now that we can clearly see that gun control doesnt work and the groups supporting it have their heads in their ass, lets talk about the solution.
so.....what should we do about gun control? well, first off, the AWB which is set to sunset (expire) this september, needs to be shot down. people need to voice support against it so that it is defeated. ideally, all other gun control should be repealed. for example, the NFA of 1934 should be repealed, as with all other current registration acts. also, in specific states; new jersey needs to repeal their aggregious mandate of smart gun technology.
lastly, for the gun control that is necesary; a nation wide requirement that the purchaser of any firearm (pistols, rifles, and shotguns) be 18 years old. yes, that means that the age for pistols should be reduced from 21 to 18. also, there should be a ban, as currently is the case, on any anti-personnel explosives. this would include such devices as hand grenades, 40 and 37mm grenades, rifle grenades, rpg's, claymore mines, etc, etc. i think we can all agree that the above devices pose a severe threat to both the user and the target, in many cases. most of them are difficult to make, and thus a ban would be effective on such devices. additionally, they have no real sporting purpose and i feel that the dangers outweigh any possible coolness factor.
before we go, a quick note on gun shows. a huge target for much of the control lobby is gun shows. a gun show, for those who dont go to them, is a big event, usually held in a convention center (dome) in which independant vendors gather to sell, buy, and trade, firearms and military surplus stuff. they are often targeted as sources for criminals. this of course is ridiculous. anyone who has ever been to one can attest to the simple fact that the vast, VAST majority of the people that attend such shows are hicks (used affectionatly) and like minded individuals who enjoy shooting for sport, hunting, etc. the type of people that attend such shows are not the gang bangers and criminals you see on the street. they are very kind, engaging people. the vendors and customers alike are often very friendly. not to say that just because someone is nice, they arent a criminal, but when your at a gun show, theres a sense of america that just doesnt attract people like that.
My $.02