Oct 17, 2013 07:45
I've lost my first Facebook "friend" since I started the blog. It was a mom of friends I had growing up in my church. Maybe it was the statuses and blog posts that used big scary words like "fuck". Maybe it was the posting of less than glowing things about the evangelical church. Maybe it was the fact that I admitted to being agnostic. Perhaps the "liberal" politics posts. It was probably a combination of them all. After all, nothing will scare an evangelical away faster than a non-Christian who occasionally cusses and isn't conservative in her politics. As Christians, we are supposed to follow Jesus's example, and he totally never hung out with people who were different from him.
I expected this to happen. It's why I censored myself for so long. I expected to be hurt, and I am. But what I didn't expect was the disappointment. I hoped for better, but was met with what I knew would happen.
via ljapp