Mar 07, 2011 00:11
I think the coolest thing ever is not having anything or anyone holding me back. I forget that sometimes.
I ran into a guy I went to high school with. He's two years older, so I was just getting into MHS while it was his senior year. He said he moved to St Croix about two years ago. Had been living in Minnesota, working in an office, wearing a suit everyday. Had a scuba diving hobby on the side. One day woke up, decided he hated his life, was bored with it, and moved. Found a position in St Croix within the scuba company, packed up, and moved. Two and a half years later, he's still there.
I actually got onto travelocity and looked up one-way tickets. Just out of curiosity. It was strange and exhilarating to click the "one-way" instead of "roundtrip". Never have I ever, ever, ever gotten to do that. I didn't purchase tickets or anything, but it really got me thinking. $317 for a one-way ticket. Graduate, make a little money, MOVE. Go wherever I want, before I get into another dead-end, ridiculous relationship. Before old age starts in and I start wanting babies. Before I cave and adopt more pets, before I find a place here I settle on living in.. before life gets in the way.
I don't wanna end up looking back, wishing I could have just lived exactly the way I wanted to. Put happiness, relaxation, and change before money or any other bullshit that ends up bringing me down.
I'm not sure about a beach, let alone an ISLAND, because my fear of water/fish/marine life in general sort of makes me have an anxiety attack. My location for a two year hiatus from life? A place with white sand, and maybe some shallow, clear beaches. But I'd always have a pair of flip-flops, because stepping on crabs and washed-up jellyfish without them..well..I'd scream bloody murder. Rainforest, with families of monkeys and friendly birds. 80 degree days, even though I am eagerly awaiting winter every year. I want to see if, given the chance, I can say "fuck it" like everyone else and not worry about getting skin cancer a tan. Just for a week. Shots of patron and ridiculously strong long islands. I'd fish (but throw it back, of course), learn to scuba dive, dance around a fire, drink on the beach, make friends with whoever the f I felt like talking to, learn the language, and not worrying about having to wake up tomorrow. I'd have a job I truly enjoyed, make art on the side, and live to live.. not live to make money, get a degree, keep up with the stupid fashion trends.
I'm.. 24. I'm just kinda now realizing this. I don't want to end up 26, 30, 37 years old, with three kids and a husband who depend on me, and a job that I dread going to every day. Regretting I didn't do what my first instincts told me to do. It really is ONE life, and I get ONE chance at it. Why not pull an "Eat Pray Love" and do something totally unexpected, probably insane, but completely life-changing?
..I'm thinkin'.