Drama Queen - DiexShinya - Dir en grey - 1/1

Dec 06, 2010 18:12

Title: Drama Queen
Chapters: oneshot
Author: melinen aka daishimel
Genre: general/romance/humour
Disclaimer: The same old song aka no owning
Rating: PG
Pairings: DiexShinya
Synopsis: Die is a drama queen.
Comments: A little ficlet from last year that I never posted here.
For die_shinya's Advent calendar.

Die is such a drama queen.

Oh, he does a good job to hide it from public eyes, but deep inside, he is a Drama Queen with capital Ds and Qs. I can see it almost too clearly, as we have been together for several years after all, and you'd think that he would have matured during those years, but no, not our Die.

Sometimes I tell him that he's my little whiney bitch, just to tease him of course, and he always gets all pouty and whines that he knows how much I love my dogs but do I really need to refer to him as a female dog because I am the feminine one out of us, not him. And I just smile because I know that it's only his ego talking and he has such a big ego that it practically begs to get wounded.

And I am more than happy to deliver.

Even though he tries to act all hurt and deny me sex when I do so.

Ha. Die denying me sex? Frankly, that would be the other way around, he's much too addicted to me and my body and if we for some reason can't spend our nights in the same bed he tells me afterwards that he couldn't really sleep and he missed me so much and can he just hold me now?

And I always let him, because... well, I love my Drama Queen too much to say no to him.

one-shot, diexshinya

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