Crappy Washington weather

Dec 11, 2008 09:57

It was supposed to snow. School was supposed to be closed and I was supposed to be sitting at home right now, next to a fire Ben built, inking my little fingers off with a cup of cocoa (a little Irish in it) next to me.
Damn Washington!
Ah, well. I know school wouldn't be closed anyway. They never close campus, even if all the roads in Olympia are covered in black ice and the snow is 3 feet deep. They didn't even close when half the west side flooded! (like really flooded. Closed roads, lakes in parking lots... I almost stranded myself cos I grew up on a hill and never saw a flood before). The guy in charge drives a land rover and if he can get here, so can everybody else. (this is just a theory)
I hope it snows like the billyoes tonight.
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