Title: Atlantis
Author: Kimber (spikespet7)
Prompt #: 1:Atantis
Prompt table: C
Genre: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: G
Word Count: 219
The water surrounding the city should make him feel trapped. In the past just hearing that in another reality that the city sank would have made him run back to Earth. The city he now called home was under a constant threat of being invaded. Either by non-human blood sucking creatures or human hostile, power hungry, closed minded people not interested in working with them to protect their homes. The city has been invaded several times and they managed to overcome the enemy and protect or take their city back.
Every time they leave to look for new technology or make new allies it could be their last time. They might not return either because they are captured, killed, or the gate malfunctions beyond repair. Even old friends may not be your friends the next time you see them. That was a lesson learned during the first year when survival depended on forming alliances. The Genii had managed to hurt forming trusting relations others.
Instead of feeling afraid, here he stands looking over the endless body of water with no land insight feeling inspired and content. No, going back to Earth was not something he wanted to do right now. There is too much to discover and learn here to keep him busy for the rest of his life.