Title: Seven Days in a Year That Never Was - Day Seven
abstruse_fangrlRating: PG
Words: 2,334
Characters: Martha Jones, Tish Jones
Prompt: Top
Spoilers: Utopia, The Sound of Drums, The Last of the Time Lords (and if you're really picky, The Story of Martha)
Summary: Keeping sight of what's most important isn't easy when everything seems lost.
Disclaimer: I own none of Doctor Who. That joy remains with the BBC. I just like to play with their creations.
Beta: The absolutely fabulous
persiflage_1. All other mistakes and ramblings are purely my folly.
(A/N: Written for the Prompt Table E on
dailyfics prompt "Top." This will be one of seven ficlets focusing on random events which happened during the YTNW to Martha Jones.)
"Because you're the famous Martha Jones, and for Our Master to want you quite so badly, you must be a serious operator."