Title: Warmed
mareelPrompt #: 01 - Hot
Prompt table: F
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Slash
Word count: 100
Disclamer: I don't own the characters of Star Trek Enterprise and make no profit from them. I do promise to treat them well.
Summary: More than just temperature.
Notes: This is set within the framework of the story
Begin to Understand in which Malcolm sheltered alone overnight in a snow cave before Jonathan found him. This is Malcolm's voice. ____________________________________________________
I thought I’d never be warm again. Curled up tightly in the icy darkness of the snow cave, I tried to summon visions or memories of warmth:
Desert survival training in the Australian outback… the sun relentless in its intensity,
a mug of steaming tea, burning my tongue when I took the first sip,
drowsing under a tartan blanket by the fire at my gran’s house on Skye, her grey tabby asleep on my feet…
None of it helped.
Jonathan’s hand touches my bare shoulder as he draws me against him. It feels like fire, or the start of it.