Super Tuesday

Feb 03, 2008 16:56

Voting is important to me. I believe any political opinion, whether formed from tea leaves, coin flips, or spending the afternoon reading voter pamphlets and watching speeches on YouTube, only counts if you choose to exercise your right to vote. This is especially true this year because the candidates can be described with words other than wooden or inflatable.

While it's likely that I'll vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination, I believe Obama would make a better President. Their stance on the issues is similar but there are some key differences:

  1. I like the fact that he's willing to put his money where his mouth is when it comes to lobbyists and campaign finance reform.
  2. Every year, he's voted for reinstating the PayGo federal budget rules.
  3. Six months before the Iraq war started when every other politician was out for blood, he risked his career in the Senate to speak out against it.
Overall, he seems more charismatic, trustworthy, and far less polarizing than Clinton.

As for the propositions, I'm voting no for everything which seems to be a trend for me. Here's my opinion on the ones that matter:

Prop 92 - Capping the fees for community colleges

The fee increases are affordable for the average student and certainly far less expensive than the UC system. Since most of the funding comes from the same source, I believe it would be unfair to make the UC schools shoulder all of the burden.

Prop 93 - Term limits = 12 years

This is a scam. It actually increases the term limits in the Assembly and Senate. There's also a loophole that exempts 42 short timers from the existing 14-year limit.

Prop 94 - 97 - Expanding casinos for four Indian tribes

I'm against them but probably not for the same reason as you. :) I see no issue with growing the casinos. They're likely to bring in a lot of tax revenue when the state could really use it. My problem is that these propositions exempt the four biggest tribes from making payments to the SDF which funds programs to assist people with gambling problems and, of course, the funding for the agencies that handle regulation and oversight of the casinos.

Prop A - Clean and safe parks

Who doesn't want clean and safe parks? Me. That's who. Funding city services thru bonds is short-sighted and fiscally irresponsible. I believe SFRPD should be able to maintain the parks without having to rack up $185M in credit card debt.

Prop B - Incentives to hang on to retiring cops

I do see their point that California is having a problem recruiting new cops. What I don't understand is why there's no opposition to this proposal. Instead of paying cops both their retirement pay and their regular pay in order to encourage them to stay on the force for three more years, we should be putting that money towards recruitment. While the proposition claims to be "cash neutral," there's no oversight for the first three years. I don't see any way it could possibly pay for itself. In any case, this seems to be more of a band-aid than a solution.

Prop C - Turn Alcatraz into a global peace center

I thought I was liberal until I moved to SF. Hippies! LOL
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