Here are a bunch of outfits I wore on my holiday the last few weeks. I posted a few already from events, but here are the more daily outfits.
This was from a lovely day with the St. Petersburg lolitas. They showed me the Peterhof gardens! I finally got to wear my i do declare dress, which I originally got for the gothic and lolita festival but it had been way too hot in Moscow to wear such a heavy velvet piece.
outfit rundown:
OP: I Do Declare
Sacred Heart Collar: Moss Marchen
Necklace (which sadly I left a piece of in the gardens!): Voodroodolly
Headdress: AatP
Tights: Teja Jamilla
This was from a day at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg:
JSK: Juliette et Justine
Jacket: Excentrique
Hat: Owloli
Brooch: Pizzicato Kei
Tights: Haenuli
Necklaces: Moss Marchen for the shorter gold sacred heart collar, and My inspiration for the longer embroidery Russian Style necklace.
This was for a small gathering at an Alice in Wonderland Exhibit in Moscow. The photo is kind of corny sorry lol
JSK, headdress: AatP
Tights: Teja Jamilla
Necklace: Moss Marchen
Belt: Etsy
Cutsew: Axes Femme
This was my outfit to see a ballet at the historic Bolshoi Theater. We had been flying to Moscow from the USA so this is very haphazard and my jet lagged coordinate xD I wish I had a better photo of this outfit but we hadn't unpacked the camera yet.
JSK: Juliette et Justine
Corsage, Necklace: Moss Marchen
Beret: Angelic Pretty
Tights: Teja Jamilla