September outfits

Oct 07, 2015 10:03

I am trying to get into a routine and to post my outfits once a month. I guess my September outfits are a bit late now, since it's already October, but better late then never! ( > w < )

Starting with a very casul outfit.
The dress and socks are Innocent World, headbow is from BABY, shoes are from Angelic Pretty and the bag is Axes Femme.

This was my outfit for day 1 at Comic Con, held for the first time in Malmö - Sweden. Since it's a comic convention I wanted to dress up in something a bit different from the lolita style I would wear on a normal day. I didn't really have a plan for this outfit, but I like how it turned out. A bit gothic-church-holy-nun theme I guess? XD
Dress: Alice and the Pirates, bonnet: BABY, socks/blouse: Innocent world

Day 2 of Comic Con! I was planning to wear a kimono, but it rained so I had to change my plans asap. So in the morning I randomly came up with the thought of making a lolita coordinate with Sentimental Circus as a theme (since I really love San-X Sentimental Circus characters). Again, this is not really something I would wear on a casual day out, but it was lots of fun creating this coordinate!
Dress, socks and many of the accesories are from Angelic Pretty, blouse is Metamorphose, shoes are from Liz Lisa.

On to more every-day coordinates~ I had purchased the beret in an antique store a day before this picture was taken. So, basicly I just had to see how it would look with lolita.
Dress: BABY, socks: Innocent World, shoes/bag: Emily Temple Cute

Last outfit for September. (Sorry for the bad picture)
This was my first time wearing my Little Bear's Cafe salopette. I really love the fabric and the print, but I was very surprised at how short it is...
Salopette, beret and bag: Angelic Pretty, cardigan/shoes: BABY, blouse: Wonder Rocket, stockings: Swimmer

Thats all for my outfits from September.
It is really getting colder and colder in Sweden now, but I hope to be able to post every month until the end of the year!
Thank you all for looking~ ( * ^ ^ * )

*metamorphose*, !ott sweet, !sweet, *emily temple cute*, *innocent world*, *vintage*, *angelic pretty*, *swimmer*, *chocomint*, !gothic, *aatp*, *btssb*, sweet lolita, !kuro

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