Jan 01, 2014 22:58
Hello guys!
Not surprisingly, I don't have a new summary for you yet. :'D I've been doing other things so I, uh, haven't managed to write it out yet. Hopefully I can find some time in the next two weeks and actually get down to summarizing things where Zama left off.
So I hope you guys are all doing well~ Hopefully, Tanaka-sensei has a new work coming up too. :'D
Finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's probably already 2014 everywhere else so... I hope everyone has had a great 2014 start, and will only get better from this point onwards. (Like maybe a Aitsu no Daihonmei drama CD 5 pls that will make 2014 great i mean it's nakamura and sakaguchi talking together~)
!mod post