....Hello dear community it's a call from the dead Splodey! Uhh, I mean, yeah. I've been absent for 5evr, and I will admit I lost the drive to summarize vol 6 ch 2 because I realized I still owe eeeeeveryone that. Sorry about that. Let's see if I can do it this winter since I'm currently rather busy...
But I've managed to have some chiil time and decided to translate (yes not a summary A TEXT TRANSLATION) a bit of the drama CD that contains the cast talk! In the third drama CD, Sakaguchi Daisuke (Yoshida) and Nakamura Yuuichi (Satou) talk about... pranks. It's, well, based on Satou's evil pranks.
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Tumblr part 1 |
Tumblr part 2So uh, what happened to the raw scans...? :'D I hope everyone is doing well!
P.S. In case anyone's wondering, I've been coming back to LJ but it's just for purposes of posting scanlation updates and whatnots and not actually blogging. Been hanging out on twitter and such so... yeah.