
Jun 06, 2008 13:12

We sat down with the AIG coordinator today about Celeste and got her signed up to be clustered with the advanced kids. 
We found out that because of this, she will always be one step ahead of those not in the program. She will be monitored to make sure that she's being challenged enough.
The 'damn' part of all of this - Celeste tested into the 95% in the country for math. I'm so proud of that girl!

Oh, and it turns out, she would have made the honor roll this quarter, but she got a bad mark in Gym. She forgets to wear her tennis shoes, and wouldn't leave them at school to make sure she had them when she needed them. She got straight A's except one B, and the bad mark in gym, N (they do S+, S, and N for things like gym and art. S+ means above average, S means Satisfactory, and N means Not meeting standards, or something like that).

We went to the graduation ceremony today, and I made it through the entire thing without crying, and then the computer teacher put together a compilation of pictures set to music, and I lost it. She had Green Day 'Time of your life' and some other song that I'll have to look up, cuz that's the one that really made me cry.

Anyway, I should be working right now, but I missed most of the morning, and when I got here, it was lunch time, and I just can't find the motivation, especially when it's such an awesome day - perfect beach weather.

Well, enough with my bragging. Carry on...

celeste, kids, family

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