Valentine's Day; That Was The Weekend That Was

Feb 14, 2023 20:23

Saturday was errand running.

Sunday our UU tech guru was on vacation and I subbed for him.  I think I did well.  He left a three page instruction manual. I added another page of notes.

Monday was a Soul Matters meeting.  A small group of church members somewhere between theology discussion group and lunch buddies.  The theme of the month is LOVE.  The monthly booklet included a page of self-love suggestions and said we should start doing one or two of them this month.  I've been doing more than half of them during the pandemic lockdown just to stay sane!

Tuesday is Valentine's Day!  My and I bought a family pack of peanut butter M&Ms for the superbowl.  She made me promise not to buy expensive chocolates.  I used a heart box from a few years ago and dumped the remainder of the M&Ms into it and left it on her laptop. :D   The weather was clear and high forties, so I left early in the morning to hike around College Lodge for a 'forest bath', one of the self love suggestions.  I promised the group I'd upload a few pictures. 

holidays, twtwtw

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