That Was The Weekend That Was

Jun 09, 2014 18:09

The weekend didn't turn out exactly as I hoped.  The Brass Ring Thing going to run from 11AM to 4PM with closing court at 5PM and then we were going to take a close friend out for her birthday.  We got up in the morning, planning to hit the road before 9AM, so we could be there at 11AM.  We discovered the raccoons had utterly trashed our container garden and we spent over three hours fixing it and then washing up.  We've lost the Hungarian Wax Peppers.  We finally hit the road around 12n to arrive
around 2PM.

I had intended to perform a number of period songs to cross Beau Fleuve off my quest to perform in every AEthelmearc local group, and to knock off the remaining requirements of the Gorsedd Challenge and achieve Second Level.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a real chance to perform at all.  I ran around taking pictures for the newsletter and used up an entire disposable camera.   I had arrived at the event with a car-trunk full of stuff that I had promised or intended to give to other people.  I made connections with nearly everybody.  I also received an item I was hoping for, an improvement to my puppet stage.

We intended to take Lady Constantinia to a Granny's Family Restaurant for her birthday.  It was nearby, cheap, well-reviewed, Greek and closed. :)  We ended up going to Olive Garden by theBoulevard Mall. And a party of three turned into a party of 12 as friends kept joining us. :)  BTW, the restaurant pictured is not the one that's there, note the street number :)  I had the Lasangia Classico and a glass of Sangria.  The ladies split a 2 for $25 special.  We spent a lot of time catching up with each other.  Our
waitress was wonderful and providing complementary pitchers of lemonade.  We praised her to the manager and suggested a raise.  She told us NY limits how much waiters and waitresses can be paid.  BULL!  I've been signing too many of those damned "Raise the Minimum" petitions.  There is NO maximum cap on salaries in NYS law.  We tipped her heavily.

We took Lady Constantinia home and crashed at my mother's house for the night.  I didn't realize how tired I was.  I slept nine straight hours.  Sunday was supposed to be a Blacksmith Sunday   I spent five days a week at work wrangling electrons.  I normally enjoy hammering hot metal and realizing I'm making things that might outlast me by several decades.  Also, I've promised an SCA friend several authentically designed hinges for a chest he's building.  But I was so tired, the prospect of lifting a hammer didn't appeal to me.

We gathered up some stuff to take home, we have to sell my mother's house shortly and we need to empty it out.  We went to visit my cousin and drop off photos of my father.  She's getting married in two weeks and wanted a table with a picture gallery of the deceased members of the family.  We dropped in on my mother at the nursing home for a long visit.  She has a broken ankle.  All those times at home she fell down, nothing.  At the nursing home, she falls out of a chair and breaks an ankle.  She didn't notice it was broken until four days later.  Now you know where my tolerance for pain comes from.   We had dinner at Denny's because
neither of us felt like cooking and crashed early.

container garden, quest, genealogy, wedding, gorsedd challenge, restaurants, brass ring thing, family, nysdb, sca

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