There is a website called "A Circle of Moms" ( that, in addition to the usual recipes and shopping tips, runs the occassional contest of "The Top 25 Blogs of X" where X has been filled in previously with Stay-at-Home Moms, Working Moms, Moms with both Adoptive and Natural children, etc. This time around, it was blogs about Faith. When "Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom" made it onto the top 25, a devout, right-wing militant 'Christian' woman slammed it in her own blog saying that you can only have faith in Jesus, so this contest should only be open to Christian mothers. She promptly got eliminated from the contest for breaking the rule about not slamming any of the other blogs. She posted that she was being discriminated against for her religious beliefs. The irony completely escaped her.
Not only did Pagan Soccer Mom inspire other pagan moms to enter the contest, but as each 'Christian' blogger slammed them, they got eliminated from the contest thus allowing each pagan blogger to rank one notch higher. The contest ended last night. Not only did Pagan Soccer Mom win with the most votes, but 13 of the top 25 (in other words, HALF of) blogs had the words "pagan" or "wicca" in their title or description. By viciously attacking the pagans, the 'Christians' achieved the exact opposite of their goal. The pagans literally didn't have to do anything to win except exist. And the 'Christians' STILL DON'T GET IT!!!
** Some of you may have noticed that I put the word 'Christian' in quotes throughout. I had to. These people don't act in a manner *I* consider to be true Christian, and it's my blog!