THIS EPISODE. Gwen's self-righteousness is going to kill me, I swear... and Rhys deserves better. Don't you just want to hug him?
My sister and I have decided that THERE MUST BE RHYS/ANDY SLASH.
I thought the Jack/Ianto scene was more funny than steamy, actually. But that's just me. (NAKED HIDE AND SEEK? I MEAN, REALLY?)
There is totally something meta about "He cheats, he always does." And shagging about the office. Which worries me. But still, there's good signs -- Ianto passes Gwen the information, but Jack doesn't seem too mad about it... I also loved that they all accepted that Ianto should follow Jack and try to talk him around.
Now that I think of it, I think them shagging at the office was just for plot reasons, so that Gwen could discover them.
RHYS/ANDY SLASH FTW. And if that doesn't work out, Andy can go date Tosh. I WANT TO SEE THOSE TWO TOGETHER (which is odd because I almost never go for het pairings, but whatever).
I absolutely want to hug Rhys. Poor guy. He still deserves better.
Heh. Naked Hide-and-Seek. It is lovely. I think that I'm not annoyed with the office-shagging (not too much, anyways), because yes, plot, and the boys seem happy enough. And notice it was Ianto shoving Jack up against the desk-table-thing? ^^
I can absolutely see Andy/Tosh... But I would worry if that happened. You know. Kiss of Death... That's why Tosh/Owen's perfect. HER LOVE CAN'T KILL HIM, HE'S ALREADY DEAD.
Though it looks like he's macking with that blonde from the roof (I guess, based on the preview... don't know who else it could be).
IANTO WAS TOTALLY ON TOP IN THAT SCENE. Metaphorically, anyway. I don't know. They did look a bit ridiculous with the hands-down-the-trousers and arms all over the place.
THIS EPISODE. Gwen's self-righteousness is going to kill me, I swear... and Rhys deserves better. Don't you just want to hug him?
My sister and I have decided that THERE MUST BE RHYS/ANDY SLASH.
I thought the Jack/Ianto scene was more funny than steamy, actually. But that's just me. (NAKED HIDE AND SEEK? I MEAN, REALLY?)
There is totally something meta about "He cheats, he always does." And shagging about the office. Which worries me. But still, there's good signs -- Ianto passes Gwen the information, but Jack doesn't seem too mad about it... I also loved that they all accepted that Ianto should follow Jack and try to talk him around.
Now that I think of it, I think them shagging at the office was just for plot reasons, so that Gwen could discover them.
(Lying on top of each other. I love them so.)
I absolutely want to hug Rhys. Poor guy. He still deserves better.
Heh. Naked Hide-and-Seek. It is lovely. I think that I'm not annoyed with the office-shagging (not too much, anyways), because yes, plot, and the boys seem happy enough. And notice it was Ianto shoving Jack up against the desk-table-thing? ^^
Though it looks like he's macking with that blonde from the roof (I guess, based on the preview... don't know who else it could be).
IANTO WAS TOTALLY ON TOP IN THAT SCENE. Metaphorically, anyway. I don't know. They did look a bit ridiculous with the hands-down-the-trousers and arms all over the place.
BUT JACK'S FACE when Gwen walked in. Priceless.
I thought it looked hot in that it looked realistic. Messy, unchoreographed, flaily, normal. Or something.
OH MY GOD, JACK'S FACE. Haha! Someone has an icon of that scene and it says, "Gwen: When you see this, stay quiet! signed, Fangirls".
How hard is it to clap a hand over your mouth and watch? /voyeur
Good point -- I imagine it's not very dignified.
Yes, I've seen this icon and agree wholeheartedly. Gwen totally ruined the moment.
I love Jack/Ianto. A lot.
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