Nov 23, 2008 02:46
I got home from school for Thanksgiving Friday night. Or last night. Whichever.
Anyway, I went to go see the film Changeling with a friend from tae kwon do. And as she was getting her ticket and I was waiting for her, Albert Pujols shows up and gets tickets to the Madagascar movie.
He's kind of a big deal around these parts.
My friend kind of mutters his name to him, he smiles at her and says hi, and I'm standing there like OMG DON'T CARE. And she obsesses about him the rest of the night. Told my dad about it and he was jealous and wondered why I didn't make a huge deal of it. (Umm, because he's a human being who deserves to see a movie with his kids in peace without getting mobbed by crazy people?)
And... I don't really care.
Maybe I just don't like sports. Or maybe the idea of meeting somebody famous has no effect on me. For the last five years, to me, the idea of going batshit over meeting someone doesn't really make sense. (Except for when I was super-jealous of the fact that the cousin of a friend from college got to meet and talk to and take pictures with Obama, but... that totally doesn't count. Course not.)
So then I thought about it. There are literally no actors who I would kill to see, who I would fangirl over. None. Means nothing.
I do have a slightly long list of politicians and journalists though.
I wonder what that says about the state of my head?
(In other news: I tried to download a Rahm Emanuel moodtheme before remembering I have a free account and it won't let me or something. It makes me sad.)
famous people,