May 02, 2008 12:21
Re: Mail Authentification (love the invented word)
Qualitative replica watches for the most exacting people. (I imagine an exacting person doing some fine work with tiny tools and a magnifying glass. Oh and the watch is not 'quality' but only has something to DO with quality?)
Sexy songs Full for [you] ! (actually has my email id there, which is my name. made me laugh about my 'sexy songs full')
Dagnabitt's - we can ship your Medications overnight FREE. (Yeah, like I reply to my id with a misplaced possessive)
Full video without cowards for [you]. (So a bunch of brave, macho characters are in this movie film video?)
Enlarge your bell-rope size (someone sure loves the thesaurus)
High-tony products of style (was someone dictating and said "Hi, Tony" before starting?)
Love your device more (I didn't register my device. Still have not decided on it. Sad, really, since I am a 'ladyship')