male enhancement

Sep 02, 2007 17:26

Every once in a while I have this thought ... many thoughts, actually.

It begins with some curiosity about my spam / bulk email folder because sometimes the filters actually screw up and my friends emails get misfiled.

I glance at the names and subjects for some amusement.  lately it's about amusing subject lines:
 "please do this before open"  ... um, you didn't tell me anything so I'm not going to "open"
"HAHAHAHAHAHA, man your insane!" ... my insane is never far away and it's always manned.
"Why be an average guy any longer" ... I guess I avoided that hurdle by BEING A GIRL!
"The lovely name you" ...  if "the lovely" are going to try to give me a name, their own name is not filling me with confidence at their skill
"you don't know me, understand"  ... I DO understand and let's keep it that way, thanks, ... Crispino matselevitch
"Are you confident in bed?"  ... Hells, yeah!  I could sleep all day!

Last night I was at a BBQ at
gates_apco's.  As I parked the car, I noticed there were guys walking away from me, down the street.  I was wondering if we were going to the same party and how could I have missed the simple fact that it was a Star Wars BBQ, for indeed, the two guys were holding these great and unmistakeable light sabres.

The dudes went to the house beside gates_apco's, solving that mystery.  So both parties went on as normally, separately.  Then as darkness fell, one of our number commented on the great glowing light sabres they could see over the fence.  Conversation turned inevitably to Star Wars.  Then I had a devilish idea.  If I had only had a white flowy dress, I could have quickly (with hairdressing help of those in attendance at the BBQ) morphed into a replica of Leia and gone next door to ring the doorbell.  I would have said "help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope," then turned around slightly, crouched and rang the doorbell again before repeating my message and actions as if I were a hologram being seen projected from an Artoo unit.

It would have been an amazingly awesome random dork moment.  I have the giddy warm fuzzies just contemplating the possibility of surprising someone in this manner.


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