Apr 20, 2008 15:04
I've been seeing some commercials recently for portable Neosporin. It's like this little spray thing. The thing is...I don't ever remember it not being portable. I'm pretty sure Neosporin always came in a little pocket-sized tube and since the world has decided that our purses must be large enough to carry dogs, I don't see how this is not already portable.
Unless, of course, they are referring to some bulk size packaging which I know nothing about. I can't really think of anyone who would need said packaging though. After all, have you actually ever managed to go through a while tube before it expired? My brother and I combined have not. I don't even think families of boys could. A hospital could but I'm pretty sure they use something else anyway. Possibly an orphanage, but I don't think we have those in the traditional sense anymore. (Possibly we just renamed them to make them more PC. That seems to happen a lot lately. Ex. "I'm not stealing, I'm just borrowing without returning." <-- Bad example, I know but I like it.)
Oh, additionally - sport tampons. I think this is a playtex commercial...maybe(?). Background: the point of the sport tampon is that it is supposed to be superior to others when you play sports. I have no opinion on this as I haven't tried them. However, the sport they choose to show in the commercial - cheerleading. There are other sports. I promise. (Generally I don't bitch too much about stereotypical roles and such n such, but this irritates me. )