Jun 04, 2009 01:22

...States that border it include Maine (the colder, more lobstery New Hampshire), Vermont (New Hampshire's evil twin), and Massachusetts (an inferior, square-ish version of New Hampshire). According to American legend, New Hampshire surfaces from the depths of the ocean every four years at election time, when it is then paid an inordinate amount of attention for two-to-four weeks before sinking back into the murky, mystical land of Libertaria.

Aha, dropped off the face of the planet and the last week of school is kicking my ass. But I just had to declare that I FUCKING LOVE MY STATE...and Governor Lynch.

;~; So happy that Lynch signed the same-sex marriage law! Lynch, I'll never take you for granite, haha. /shot

Aah fuck fuck fuck I'm graduating in eight days and I just realized how much I love my school and I don't want to leave and I'm so happy that Branden won Make Me a Supermodel because oh god, cutest mama's boy ever? I've been getting like 3 hours of sleep per night, max. :| I have so much work to do. sdflsad;askd back to hiatus.

school, rl, new hampshire

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