We live, as we dream, ---- alone.

Mar 26, 2009 15:35

I really like Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Oh man, the writing is just so beautiful. Ugly subject, but beautiful writing. :0

New New Year's resolution that replaces all the other ones: learn to draw. orz

I fail for completely missing deadlines for a bunch of scholarships. Especially the one scholarship that would have guaranteed at least a little bit of money. Ahaha, I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my liiiiife. My only hope is entering a bunch of video contests.

But dude, hahaha, why didn't this win first place? I mean, look at the profound message it sends. Obviously, you solve differences through card games in other dimensions. Obviously. I don't get how this won $3,000 though. It's...copy&paste with flowing text. :|

Yoo Jaesuk makes a cute schoolgirl.

MAP THE SOUL skjfhs;lkfa;fa

school, subeta, rl

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