Overheard, while waiting for the curtain to rise on "Next to Normal", from the row behind me:
Girl #1: I dunno, it's like she thinks she's Rodney and so she's looking for her Sheppard
Girl #2: Oh, weird. Who even ships them?
Girl #1 (and me): *shocked silence*
Girl #2: Wait, am I thinking of the wrong guy?
Girl #1 (recovering): Yeah, they're like the major ship.
And there was more about fics they're reading or not reading, a confession of never having read past the 4th Harry Potter book, discussion of various writers/stories (incl. describing a story with 15 comments on it as "not many people read it", which lol, kids today) and anyway, it was just delightful.
I thought about saying something, but I think this is one of those times where the fact that I'm almost 40 would make it come across a bit creepy. Besides, I really didn't want them to stop. :)
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