Misc. Research: Leptin May Increase Metabolism

Apr 30, 2008 14:41

Recent studies provides compelling evidence that starvation-induced fall in leptin levels (Fig. 4-11) plays a major role in the decreased TSH and TSH secretion of fasted animals and, possibly, humans. - reputable journal

During a 52-96 hour fast, subjects experienced a 4% loss in body mass, accompanied by a 54-72% decline in Leptin concentrations. In some subjects, once Leptin declined, the authors administered a glucose infusion (5% solution totaling 338 kcal/day), causing Leptin to increase by 80%, relative to that large depression.
These data indicate that 12h fasting is sufficient to reduce serum leptin dramatically .
While all of the current data is in rats, it appears that dietary fish oil can acutely increase plasma Leptin concentrations.
 -some random guy's website (supposed PhD)

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