Jan 13, 2007 19:59
Figure its time for an update.
First though. Walked from my condo to Little Five and then the Edgewood Rusan's. and then finally back home through Virginia Highlands. it was a nice 3-4 hour walk...
I went for the first time to the park today and set up my free digital pet portraiture. I actually had three people come up for pictures...it was great. The second group gave me a tip, I tried to refuse, but they wouldn't let me. I wish they had though, cause I hate to say it, but I didn't get any really good pictures of their dogs. The other dogs on the other hand came out wonderfully.
I have been booked for a concert on the 20th. My myspace marketting is working pretty well...well...i mean, only one hit so far, but that is one more than I had then before =).
I'm going with John and hopefully some other people to Olde Smith's Bar for a Carbon Leaf show. I just sent them a message to see if they'd be interested in having a photographer there. Yeah, the chances are low, but you never know.
Finally...I found out that Metalsome happens at the 10 high club. One of the venues that I've been trying to get on my "good list." I'll be going there for Metalsome and bring the camera...hopefully i won't get bitched at...and will get some good shots to show them the work I can produce at their venue.