I ran my first 5k this past weekend at GMU. Not wanting to be late I got there about an hour early to pick up my race packet and warm up a bit. There weren't too many people there at first, but when the race started there must have been nearly 600 people registered and ready to go. There were a large number of dogs there as well which made me happy. What I thought was even cooler was that the dogs were being allowed inside the GMU Concert Hall. All of them were friendly and two in particular made me laugh out loud. One was a huge German Shepherd. The other was this runty little 10 pound dog.
The 10 pound dog made the German Shepherd submit. All it did was bark a few times and growl and the shepherd backed up, lowered its head, and then it layed on the ground.
After petting a few dogs and getting a good luck lick in the face by one I felt ready to start. The race itself was fun. The course started at the uphill portion of the road that passes by the concert hall and the visitor parking deck. We then ran one full lap around Patriot Circle and then ran around a second time, but turned back down the road that passes in front of the Concert Hall. The official times haven't been posted yet, but the clock showed somewhere around 27 minutes and 50 seconds when I finished which means I was running a mile in 9 minutes and 23 seconds.
After the race I went over to a coworkers house for new years. My original plan was to head out to Sonoma for New Years, but my roommate had a death in the family and was out of town so I no longer had anyone to watch Reka. I was torn between going there and to a party that
kierazobrist mentioned, and I checked mapquest to see if I could make it to both, but they were on opposite ends of the county and I'd already committed to the one with my coworkers.
With the start of 2006 I can now start registering for triathlons for this year! YAY! I also need to get a pass to the Fairfax County rec centers so I can start on the swimming portion of my training. The passes are on sale right now, so if you want one, you should get one in the next few days.