Feeling incredibly down today for reasons beyond my control. It's not really my place to talk about it because it concerns Brian and his family, but I am affected and it's made me think a lot about how short life is and how easy it is for us to get stuck in a routine and let opportunities pass you by. Eventhough I've been working really hard this year, I realize that I should have been concentrating on some things I have been putting off. I've taken some time for myself last month but after Dragoncon, I gotta step it up again.
But right now I just really need to let loose and feel loved and be amongst friends. I'm finally getting excited about Dragoncon. My costuming line up this year is:
Everything's pretty straight forward, except I have a NEW version of Black Cat, I am just doing the BSG uniform for a twin Cylon shoot with Miko on Saturday morning, and I am hoping to change back into it for the Colonial Fleet party that night if I can make it after the contest. And I'm re-wearing Dawn on Sunday afternoon after RE for a photoshoot only, before getting ready for the big pirate party. If you have a Hot Pirate Babes 2008 calendar and want me to sign it, I'll be in my calendar costume. Also, though I have no booth of my own this year (dude, party con here), you can get merchandise of me at the following booths:
~Nene Thomas Illustrations in the Dealer Room - including the new piece "Orchid"
~Echo Chernik in the Artist Alley - including the new Steampunk piece
~Joseph Corsentino's Time of the Faeries in the Artist Alley
I have very little left to work on, but still a lot to pack, and errands to run. I'll do my best to stay focused these last two days. Stuff to bring for friends:
Pants for Rob and Wade
Wig for Angie
Elf ears for Vince to give to Lada
Glue gun (and whatever else) for Jaime
Gun for Mandy
Did I forget anything???
Now, I wanted to bring two other costumes as well but I am worried I won't find the time to wear them. So I'll at least be in one of them on Thursday night. And I need your opinion to help me decide. One is my original Space Girl costume, which is not a known character, but looks very animated. It also shows a lot of ass XD. Is it too early to show ass on Thursday night??? The other is Witchblade, but I am wondering if people would recognize the red dress version.
What do you think???