A storm and then a little quiet

Oct 07, 2006 11:04

“To call down the thunder, is to call down the wind and rain before it”

Mark of the Blood wind

A blur of things.
I hope I’ll get that chronically in order, though I almost doubt it.
Last week, before the weekend I had a little episode in the army where a girl in my section had the nerve to raise the music in the workplace (namely, map-storage) to the levels strong enough to hurt my ears. And then make it an issue to not let me put it down.
I got angry enough, along with a royal headache I already enough it was pretty obvious result-case. Sweeping her aside with the same causality you would remove a chair out of the way (I’m pretty big, and she was a head and a half under me) and moving some yells one to the other.
That was that, I went to sleep a bit, to work out the adrenaline out of my system, if I stayed under pressure fore much longer, I might have done worse things then actually lay hands on someone. I have a VERY strong taboo against using force on people that doesn’t threaten my life or friends. It made me feel very ill to break my own laws for such a dumb reason.

Later that day though, she had the audacity to tell her boyfriend to go and try to bully another friend in the section, a friend of mine after he gave her some lumps. To cut a short story shorter, I bear-hugged the lad long enough for the officers to arrive and subdue the raging idiot.
Army Cooks aren’t very high on my intelligence esteem.
Someone whispered something about me getting into a trial, but apparently my commander thought favorably at me and no one ever pointed any finger at me. My friend and the cook both got grounded to Base for a month and the girl got kicked out of the section. Good Riddance. Now to re-create my mental barriers against berserk rage (nearly split the cook’s ribs) and find out how to think of better solutions to sound. But it’s a good proof as any that I don’t go haywire at the slightest provocation. Good thing after all.

That was last week. Had a party on my place along with assaf-sofi being with me for the whole weekend, been fun. Hagar was fun too, when she woke me up and snuggled.
Fasted on Atonement Day, and did well on that. Not out of real religious fervor, but out of the belief that some days in the year should be more about introspection. It is a good day to do so, without the noise of cars out of the window to distract me.

Got back to the Army, and my phone died soon enough, and it wasn’t until yesterday I got me a new one.

Back to the timeline - Parties.

Lots of parties now, it’s the birthday season and I’m out for rabbits. Suffice to say I need some new gifts to give. Sofi was easy enough once she got along to tell me she liked shooting. Well, a firing range tour with some clips to shoot at some targets along my dad and me should do nicely. Assaf was a tougher nut to crack, and apparently, a new training sword would be the best of ideas.
His traditional Boken full-hardwood type sword just doesn’t cut it right (too dangerous for real one-on-one training) and so I’m getting him a Shinai. The Shinai is a traditional tool for sword practice made out of sliced Bamboo. It is strong and resilient enough for training but not nearly as heavy (and thus, dangerous) as the full-wood Boken swords.

The party at Assafsofi’s house went fine, including the fact that I’m trying out Hagar’s new diet to see if I can work within its constraints comfortably so I didn’t have much to eat. The guys have a tendency to eat a LOT of fried stuff, and this is strictly forbidden from my new menu, along with pasta. Hagar looked rather miserable with the dishes as well, so I got up and made some chicken soup at the drop of a hat. Wasn’t close to the stuff I’m used to at home, but more then tasty enough to fill me up, along with Hagar and the newcomers. Names aren’t my strong side.
Heck, memory isn’t my strong side.
Aside from that, the party was rather eventless, as long as I got angry enough from time to time to shush everyone so I could talk and listen without any headaches. Somewhere along the war my ears started to get a little more sensitive to screeching sounds, and the amount of estrogen in this room made my head hurt quite a bit. The moment we worked that out, everything went out fine.

Eventually I got home (after some blunders and picking my cousin up) - It was a long ride from Haifa to Hagar and then Home. We had a nice holiday feast with my family and family friends. In that feast though, I didn’t do much other then peck at the less-heavy stuff, much to everyone’s surprise (they are used to my heavy-eating habits) and then got along to something I have been waiting for. At the last weekend, my parents were in Paris for a tour, along with my sister and brother, and along the way, daddy called my cell and I instructed him some about Whisky and the brands I like. So over the phone we chose three (!!!) different brands of whisky.

Glenfiddich Caoran Reserve (12 years aged, single malt scotch whisky).

The Glenlivet (12 years Aged, Single Malt, Scotch Whisky).

Gentleman Jack (By Jack Daniels, Two Charcoal Mallow)

I sleep better those days, as most of my nightmares died away. They are still a bother, but they happen in a much lower frequency. Now I can sleep for six hours straight without waking up from nightmares. Being a light sleeper (at least some certain sound patterns) still makes it hard to sleep well while at Base but home is again a good refuge to sleep in.
Times are changing once again; I seem to have gotten over the death of my friends, though their memory still haunts me from time to time. More like places and tastes that I link to the past, rather then full blown depression.
I need to think about a lot of things - it’s hard to change, and I have to if I want to achieve something with my life that is more then what have already done. I haven’t got all the goals in my sight, and to rearrange my priorities and thinking ways is a taxing thing. But if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s adaptability, I accept change rather then fight it with tooth and nail.

So, I’m confident that I’ll learn and match up with the future fast enough.

Here’s a Toast to fallen friends and brighter futures. *toast*

Some links about the Whisky companies that I mentioned above.




army, whisky, hagar

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