Feb 08, 2008 11:45
i did end up crying on my birthday after all. not because of anything anyone did, just the combination of stress thats been hitting me lately. im done at my job at the lab. officially. yesterday was my last day. i went to a job interview yesterday and it was the WIERDEST thing ever. they kind of made me feel like i wasnt good enough for the job and too good for the job all at once. like, were going to assume that your lab skills suck monkey balls...but you have too much experience for what we need. im stuck in this catch 22 of having too much experience and no degree yet. its painful and it really sucks. and you know what? im ok with taking the job i have too much experience for, even if its only 10-15 hours a week and only pays 9$ an hour. because then i get my internship done and i can find another job that will give me more hours. some assistant manager job somewhere that will pay me 10$ an hour. then id be working 50-55 hours a week and im ok with that. im not afraid of working hard and im not afraid of working more than one job. ugh. im supposed to call the people i interviewed with today to find out if i got the job. isnt that wierd? dont they usually call? im a little put off by the whole thing. but if they hire me i'll take it. itll be different stuff than im doing now, and who knows, it may actually turn out to be a really good job. i might actually like it there. whatever. im not getting my hopes up.
when i got to terrys that was good though. he bought me purple daisies and they are gorgeous. he also got me a card that said "remember when we were little and birthday cards came with money in them? doesnt getting older suck?" and in the card there was a quarter. not only a quarter, a quarter from 1983. it was awesome. it reminded me of when i was little and my great grandma used to send me a piece of paper with a super old piece of gum on it and a quarter. :) my mom sent me a card that sings the chicken dance and that ROCKED. i got a gift certificate for the olive garden from my brother and sister. my grandma sent me money which is awesome. i think im going to use that with my gift certificate and really go all out.
there was something else i was going to write about but i cant remember at the moment and i just saw emi so theres someone to talk to.
x♥x♥ steffie kaye.