I've decided I want to learn to play the guitar. I've always wanted to learn an instrument, and since I only really want to play one song on the piano ("Moonlight Sonata") I've decided on the guitar, since it's my other choice lol. So yeah, I think that's going to be my new endeavor, learn to play the guitar. For some reason I feel like I'll be able to pick it up quickly, but we will see. And if any of you are lucky, I'll eventually play for you. =P
Also, for anyone who didn't see the State News 'Faces and Places' page on Wednesday, or just didn't hear about it from me, check out this link:
http://www.statenews.com/add_on/facesplaces/SNWebPage1B.112906.pdfLook at the two top middle pictures (DKAP and allMSU). Those are from when we have painted the rock!