Top 10 Signs You'll Be Thankful for a B in Bio

Feb 13, 2006 12:33

My biology 111 teacher has inspired me to make a Top 11 list, so without further ado:

"The Top 11 Reasons You'll Probably Get a B and Like It"

11. "Pick the answer that is most right out of all these right answers."
10. "A lot of people don't do well on my tests, and that's mainly because they don't study hard enough."
9. SI: "I don't know what's on your exam. I don't read them because I don't want to give anything away.
8. SI: "The average for this class last semester was a 75%, and people who went to the SI sessions got at least 5% higher than those who didn't."
7. "We'll be covering 4 chapters this week and have an exam next Tuesday, so be sure to keep up on your reading."
6. "I'll be giving you quizzes on lab procedure for last week's lab and this week's lab, so be sure to study that exhaustively in addition to all the reading I'm giving you."
5. "A lot of people have trouble with this course for some reason, but you have to take it so bend over."
4. "Just remember that a C isn't really a bad grade. It has stigma associated with it, but it's actually average. Don't feel too bad class."
3. "The University has flagged this as an 'at risk' class, so we have an SI here to reteach you everything that I go over in class."
2. "The exam is next Thursday, the same day as your Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology exams. Have a fun weekend!"
1. "As you can see, 70% of the class got D or lower, so I'm scheduling times for you to come talk to me about changing your study habits and to work out why you all did so poorly."
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