I read an article about the Up side to Depression. It was an interesting and, I thought, positive way to look at something a person really wants to stay away from. In fact it is completely frowned upon in our society. A weakness to be feared. But what if it also is a sign of a person who is able to ruminate about something. To really focus on the problem looking for a solution. We all know of creative or famous people who fight depression and either win or lose.
So is this rumination a cognitive style. Something we can work to accept and understand about ourselves.
Rumination and regurgitation come from the same Latin base, meaning "chew up." So when my ruminating gets obsessive or keeps me up at night I am going to visualize myself as a cow who has to keep urping up my meal to get it digested. I think that is hysterical.
I don't think we should lump all kinds of depression together, but I do think we need to do some self-examination.
Dealing with grief can cause depression. Grief due to death of a person, a marriage, a relationship and so on. Hopefully that is short lived.
In the case of disease, like my mothers', there are health issues that may cause grief and it's side effect of flattened feelings to linger and become a way of life. I wonder if we can break her cycle.
The gist of this rambling is that there were interesting points in this
article that definitely need to be ruminated over, so I started here.