Newly motivated..

Jul 15, 2004 10:53

I have started on an Action Plan for my apartment.

Things were really becoming problematic.. I just can't clean the place any more because there is a) so much stuff around and b) things have been slacked for so much time, normal "cleaning" just doesn't do it.

So, I made a long, numbered list of "Hot Spots" which are to be tackled, at least one every day. Some of those are little, like getting order on my nightstand, feasible also after a long day of work. Others, like eliminating some of the mountains of books, magazines, clothes and other stuff in various parts of my house may take at least half a day. An important part of this is to overcome my pack rat attitude and let go of all the books, CD's and clothes I DONT NEED ANYMORE!!

I started on something like this years ago, inspired by a really useful website ( made by a group of SHE's (Sidetracked Home Executives, LOL) who give very useful tips on how to get back on track. But then I got sidetracked myself, and so now I am here again, with Chaos Central on my hands..

I have identified 36 (!) of those hot spots, so if maybe some day I get done 2 of them, I should be finished with the hard work towards the middle of August. This does not mean that my place will be perfect then.. in the list routine things like "vacuuming", "putting away laundry", "washing the floor" are not considered.. they will have to be done too.
But it will mean I can live there without suffocating in chaos, and -VERY IMPORTANT, these days ;-) - I can bring somebody home with me without dying from shame... !


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