
Oct 24, 2012 01:55

I haven't posted anything in almost a year. I just saw on the news that nationally Romney is ahead of Obama by 0.7%.

The political climate in this nation is fucking scaring the shit out of me. I cannot wrap my head around how Romney can TOTALLY dismiss 47% of the country's population, then be against women's rights (even equal pay for the same job) that's 50% of the population, be against gays, that's by most count, about 10% of the population, be completely against any immigration program except building a fence 'to keep certain people out (I don't even know the percentage of that population), he has insulted native Americans and blacks. Yet somehow he has hoodwinked over 50% of this nations population into thinking he is their savior!!!!!

I soooooooo fucking can't even begin to wrap my head around this concept!!!!!  Gee, I'm a fag, I think I will vote for the man that is supported by people who want to lock me into an enclosed, fenced area to be quarantined and let us just fight it out until there are no survivors.

Yup, I'm a woman who wants to vote for the man that believes that even if I am raped, I MUST give birth to the fetus created, because that's God's will.

I am a latino that is going to vote for the man that will send me home, even though I work endlessly for a minuscule amount of money.

He promises me that everything is going  to work out great! That I will have lower taxes on my Interest Income, Capital Gains, and Dividends....... wait! I don't have any of those!!!! Oh well, I'm still going to vote for him anyhow because Obama wasn't the magic genie with a wand to fix the world instantaneously! But I know Romney will!!!!
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