May 13, 2005 03:26
So I'm standing out front of sync plant tonight, and out comes matt and April, follwed by shawn. I get in my car like i do on last break and play some tunes, queens of the stoneage' new cd which in case you haven't heard it yet, it's pretty damn good, not as good as the first but on line with the second. Anyway I get out of the car and shawn asks me. "Who were you listening to?" And I'm like "Queens of the stoneage" He turns to matt and he's like.
"I guess you were right."
And then matt asks me if I had heard any of weezers new cd yet. and I'm like.
"Just beverly hills" and he's like. well, "I've heard some pretty ugly reviews about it... and I'm like...
"Yeah but I have to hear it for myself, afterall pinkerton was considered their worst work by a lot of people and I think it's their best in all honesty."
Then shawn turns to matt and asks...
"What's a weezer?"
I got the cd tonight, so far, it rocks. I'm on track 4 now.