Mar 13, 2012 20:06
I'm watching the Republican process as you would if you knew a train was about to derail, you have no power to prevent it, but you wanted to witness the mechanical carnage ..... from a safe distance. This has to be one of the most bizarre presidential races and we haven't gotten close to the general election.
If the good folks of Alabama and Mississippi can't make up their minds which of these men they'll nominate to beat Obama in 2012, the GOP is fucked. It's been a three way dead heat most of today. Newt Gingrich is on his 8th life, clinging to hope. Santorum was all but buried just a few months ago, an after thought. Now he's the best chance to stop a Mormon from getting the nod. Is there anyone they won't discrimminate against?
I'm no Romney fan, but that Mormon makes more sense than his opponents and probably has the best shot at beating Obama, but has another M on his resume, Massachusetts. The GOP loves to hate on the liberal Bay State, you know, #1 in education, #1 in healthcare. We can't have that shit spreading around the nation. Maybe they think too many presidents have come from the cradle of the revolution.
Obama has affectively neutered the right wing on foriegn policy. He's carried on many Bush policies at home and abroad, the Patriot Act, Gitmo, he's affectively ended the war in Iraq, the west aided the Arab spring by doing little, certainly not putting boots on the ground. And that thing about Osama Bin Laden being dead? Oh yeah. Eat. That. G.O.P.
If there's one thing I like about Santorum's rise it's nothing I like about him, it's the mere fact he brings social issues to the table. The very causes he rallies the social conservative base with will be his demise in a full election. Santorum will bring liberals to the polls. And as long as Santorum is in this race Romney can't make it all about economics.
The ecomony, that's the only issue the Republicans have going for them. It just may be the last car on their train to get flipped. They need the economy to stay weak. That caboose is coming fast upon the wreckage ahead. I can tell you from my job alone the ecomony is improving. We're very busy, working overtime busy. I worked a 21 hour shift last Thursday to meet a Friday deadline. We have many projects in the queue. Manufacturing is picking up steam in every area, everything else will follow, like jobs.
If I'm correct and jobs continue to rebound, what the hell are Republicans going to run on in November, gas prices? They'll certainly use the fact Obama tried to give all Americans healthcare. The rotten bastard! Seriously, is that the worst thing he's done? I think we're doing okay after one term in a crap economy if that's Obama's low point.
I really believe that final train car is about to leave the tracks and when it hits the others ahead, there will be no survivors, total chaos in the Republican Party. I want a brokered convention, political theatre on a grand scale like we've not seen in my voting years. The GOP won't quit, because they'll always have one thing to run on ..... the president is still black.