Sex & Candy

May 22, 2011 00:57

I feel better now. There's not a more affective mood changer than sex. It will get your mind off just about anything.

Prior to sporting events teams issue injury reports listing ailments of players. At our age we have a similar ritual before sex. "My left elbow is stiff and my lower back is iffy." .... "Okay, be careful near my right knee and I burned my fingers lighting the candles. " It's a good idea to start with a massage of the body parts in question.

I don't have the after-the-act craving universal for smokers but a sweet treat is nice wind down. Milk Duds are my candy of choice. The chewy chocolate and caramel buds are my favorite movie theatre candy.

Have you ever wondered what your pets are thinking when you're all tangled up? We can't have the bedroom door closed and music playing for five minutes without Mikey whining from the other side. We open the door and he rushes in all excited to be in our sanctuary. When he realizes what's going on he curls up in the reading chair and stares at the wall, like he doesn't want to see this again. Having seen myself naked, I can't say I blame him for looking away. I think he's embarrassed.

When the candy comes out he looks over wondering if I'm eating something he might share. No chocolate for dogs. He doesn't get sweets but that won't stop him for staring while I pop melty, chewy goodness. Milk Duds are the opposite of M&M's, they always melt in your hand. Once you pull one from the box it must be eaten immediately, unless you like chocolaty hands.

Female folklore tells tales of men rolling over and snoozing but I can tell you that is just a negative stereotype. It happens sometimes but quite often I'm energized, like this evening, and find myself up late at night. I emptied the box of Milk Duds and wish I had more.

food, sex, up all night

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