A Match Made In Hell

May 21, 2011 21:08

The end of the world did not come so I should be feeling good but an ugly rumor has me down. There are reports claiming Sarah Palin has purchased a luxury home in North Scottsdale. Rumors have been floating for weeks that she and husband Todd were moving here. With GOP Senator John Kyl looking towards retirement, the word on the dusty trial is Palin will run for his Senate seat in 2012.

The more I think about it the more logical it seems. Her team had to calculate where her best chances are to be elected to office. AZ has a soon to be open Senate seat. Our track record for electing superficial sound-bite politicians with a God & Guns platform is perfect for the dimwitted Palin. The voters in Arizona have elected Joe Arpie-hole, Fraulein Jan Brewer and Russell 'the grand wizard' Pearce. The facts speak for themselves. Arizona is a perfect fit for Sarah Palin.

I hope these rumors prove false. This state needs to turn things around. A Palin campaign will only drag us further into Tea Bag Hell. I wonder if she'll be able to see Mexico from her back yard.


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