Apr 24, 2010 03:58
Our governor may as well put that slogan on all ..... "Entering Arizona, The Grand Canyon State" ..... signs on our borders with other states, especially our southern border with Mexico. Jan Brewer just passed into law the strictest anti immigration legislation in the country. Believe me, I'm no bleeding heart liberal when it comes to illegal immigration. I want to toughen the protection of our border and enforce our laws regarding people in the country illegally ......... but this anti-beaner law is not the answer.
We have serious problems in this state. We either lead the nation or place near the top in many unfortunate statistics, auto theft, identity theft, hit & run accidents, uninsured motorists, cost of medical treatment for the uninsured, human trafficking, abductions, home invasions and we place near the bottom nationally for public education, just ahead of progressive states like Alabama and Mississippi.
Fair or not, most people blame illegal immigration for Arizona's woes. Voter sentiment against illegal immigration is extremely high. Arizonans are fed up with high crime rates and the cost of dealing with Mexico.
My problem with this new law is simple. We have hundreds of thousands of legal Mexican immigrants and Americans of Latino origin living here. As much as I want to rid our state of people living here illegally I don't believe this law can work without violating the rights of good hard working people. The police are being given power to question any person they 'suspect' is an illegal.
Why don't they just pass a new D.W.M. law? Driving while Mexican could be cause for any over zealous cop to pull over a brown skinned person they see behind the wheel of an old beater. "May I see your papers senoir?" That's the line heard by Jews in Nazi Germany many years ago.
Jan Brewer insists there will be no 'racial profiling'. Are you kidding me? What are they going to do, pull over a few Mormons or red headed people of Irish origin just to make it appear 'on the level'? That's what the T.S.A. does at the airport to not offend Muslims. It's fucking retarded!
So, any white person leaving the Filibertos drive-thru-window should be looking over their shoulder. Officer White may want to keep his quota of non-Latino-immigration-status-checks up to par by detaining soccer moms because they're eating a burrito ......... because THAT'S what the illegals eat! What a second. Latinos play futbol don't they? Sherrif Joe Arpaio should raid the youth soccer fields!
Latino groups angrily protested this legislation to no avail. One community leader threatened to rally Hispanic voters against Brewer in her upcoming bid for election. (She was not elected governor to begin with. She took the place of Janet Napalitano who Obama appointed head of Homeland Security. Janet was also a WTF? governor.) Oh yeah, big threat!.....like the Mexicans were going to vote for Jan Brewer if she vetoed this bill. She's a pure white Republican teabagger.
I don't want to appear liberal on immigration. I can't taint my politically incorrect persona. There's another side of this issue that really irks me. Leaders of Central American nations are furious that we have the nerve to pass anti-illegal immigration laws. Who the hell are we to protect our borders from their invading hordes of poor people they cannot provide for? We are a racist nation. I say, "Shut the fuck up El Presidente." If you ran a decent nation instead of a corrupt shit hole your people would not be running for the border, and I don't mean Taco Bell.
It's also illegal for Americans to hold jobs in Mexico. They don't have many liberals south of the border fighting for the rights of the gringo wishing to live and work in Cancun or Cabo. The Federales simply beat you and toss you in a hellish third world jail. It happens. Miranda Rights? I don't think so.
It's so easy to get angry over both sides of this problem we face in Arizona. I don't believe you have a right to be in the USA if you came here illegally. Get the fuck out. I also don't believe we can sweep through our community based on the suspicions of police. Brown people have rights too.
"Sir, step away from the tamale. Put your hands against the wall."
I'll be a closet taco eater. I don't care to be detained based on culinary profiling. I'll wear a hooded shirt when I enter Aribba's Mexican Grille for my occasional fix of carnitas, rice and frejoles. I will evade capture and deportation to my native Rhode Island.
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