There's a BOMB on the BUS.

Aug 04, 2006 23:02

Watched The Lake House the other day. Despite its shortcomings, I liked it, and in the afterglow of the lovely on-screen chemistry between Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, I was overwhelmed with the urge to get Speed on DVD. Truly, I succumb too easily to my fangirl urges.
Mum: *squints at tv* What are you watching? Matrix?
Me: No, this is Speed.
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keanu, fangirlism, beefcake, picspam

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Comments 13

pastles August 4 2006, 17:40:52 UTC
ewlfja;ldsjfka KEANUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I don't care that he can't act, I just care about teh pretteh

(Am also a Sandra Bullock fan... but Keanuuuuuuuuu)


dachinchilla August 5 2006, 01:07:40 UTC
It's true! Keanu probably hates that people are continuously being distracted by how pretty he is, but it's true!

Have you seen The Lake House? Keanu's less of a stud and more of an average joe, but there's no disguising the pretty.


stephicozar August 5 2006, 00:29:37 UTC
*hyperventilates* So pretty, can't breathe, so pretty *dies*

I ♥ Speed and teh!Keanu SO MUCH *lufs* So much pretty. And the arm porn, just, GUH.

Thanks for posting, makes me want to go watch my DVD now.


dachinchilla August 5 2006, 01:08:29 UTC
Thanks for posting, makes me want to go watch my DVD now.

Then my work is done. XD

By the way, does your DVD have any special features? I tried getting the Special Edition through amazon but it's been discontinued. :/


stephicozar August 5 2006, 01:19:17 UTC
Our original copy had special features but it was lost in the break in, the new copy as supplied by the insurance company, alas, does not have any special features (only commentary) *sniffles* And, naturally, our other copy was rather new and I had not gotten around to watching them yet! :(


snx8 August 5 2006, 07:04:37 UTC
One of my favourite sequences of the film. But really, this cap is mostly for the arm porn.

eeee same!!

And yea I mean to watch Lake House. But I've also been looking for the Speed DVD..


dachinchilla August 5 2006, 08:29:22 UTC
I just bought the Speed DVD, so HAHA can make copy for you. No special features, though. I thought of looking for the special edition but it's been discontinued.

Lake House = Keanu/Sandra on-screen OTP. I just got back from watching it a second time. XD


snx8 August 6 2006, 05:03:04 UTC

I want to watch!! Must drag Tan!!

And you have the speed DVD? I was thinking of going to the pirated DVD store later to check.. I also have a sudden urge to watch The Replacements.


dachinchilla August 6 2006, 15:03:43 UTC
Oooh if you get the Replacements, make copy for me? I've never seen it. :D


leila_nile August 5 2006, 13:18:03 UTC
The Lake House = fluff. But pretty fluff so all is goot.

"I saw this movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode! I think it was called 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.'"

Heh. Can make copy of Speed for me pls pls pls? I only have a fuzzy vcd copy.


dachinchilla August 6 2006, 02:21:06 UTC
Oooh you've already seen The Lake House. Yay for non-buffed-up Keanu! ♥

Sure, I'll make a copy of Speed for you, too. Just remind me to bring it the next time we meet up.


drquinzel August 6 2006, 09:44:35 UTC
Ahahaha! <3 Simpsons epi.


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