There's a BOMB on the BUS.

Aug 04, 2006 23:02

Watched The Lake House the other day. Despite its shortcomings, I liked it, and in the afterglow of the lovely on-screen chemistry between Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, I was overwhelmed with the urge to get Speed on DVD. Truly, I succumb too easily to my fangirl urges.
Mum: *squints at tv* What are you watching? Matrix?
Me: No, this is Speed.
Mum: Ohhh, Speed. The one with the bus? And that girl... that girl... Bullock?
Me: Yep!
Mum: But that's an elevator.
Me: The movie just started.
Mum: So where's the bus?
Me: The bus comes later.

Truly, Speed is summer action movie fun at it's best. C'mon, the opening has a police car leaping into the air for no reason whatosever. Nowadays that's fodder for laughing, but back then... Okay, it was fodder for laughing back then, too.

But the most important question is... Who's prettier, Keanu or Sandra?

Keanu naturally has the first advantage by being introduced first.

Jack and Harry are briefed for the elevator situation. Keanu is already pretty tall, I'm surprised that Jeff Daniels appears to be taller than him. Hmm.

Keanu listening prettily intently. This shot reminds me eerily of Joe Flanigan.

Oh noes, crazy bomber man has taken Jack's best buddy hostage!

Intense!Jack surveys the situation, before he pops lead into his buddy in order to save him.

A moment of celebration for the team. It's the only real breather for the rest of the movie. I'm still impressed that they managed to keep the energy level high throughout the whole picture without making it exhausting in a bad way.

Oh no! The terrorist is still alive! (See, they could use the T-word because this was before it got thrown around too often.) And he's laughing evilly! And Jack alone can hunt down the bus that has the bomb on it!

Hello, Sandra Bullock! She and doomed-bus-riding-lady-whose-name-I-didn't-catch stare in disbelief as Jack scrambles aboard.

It surprised me how pretty Sandra is. Was. Is. I don't know, for some reason she looks unbearably flawless in this movie in a way that feels different from her other stuff.

Of course, in the midst of all the peril there has to be some flirting. It's an obvious acting choice, but I really really like that Sandra doesn't smile like this at all in The Lake House.

Jack's all... Is she flirting with me?

Yep, she sure is!

Jack: Cool.

But seriously, who's prettier? For your deliberation, I give you...

Prettily worried Annie.

Followed by a prettily worried Jack.

One of my favourite sequences of the film. But really, this cap is mostly for the arm porn.

Watching as Jack attempts to go under the bus.

As a side note, the on-bus supporting characters were brill. They didn't have deliberate expository sob stories to make them individuals that we should care about, but we care about them anyway because they have flawed human reactions to the terrifying situation they're in, shouting at and clinging to each other in their fear.

Of course, no action movie's complete without...

Angst! Harry's been blown into smithereens! ARGGHHGYAAAAAH, goes Jack.

Woobie! goes Annie.

Eventually, they manage to get off the bus...

And get to watch it blow up together from a safe distance, both in similar levels of disarray.

The post-bomb-explosion comforting. Where's that hand going, Jack?

Annie: You're not going to get mushy on me now, Jack?

Jack: Maybe.

[/actual dialogue omg so cheesy]

But it's still not over! Dude, so pretty.

Jack chases crazy Payne bomber dude into the subway, but the person he sees is...

Annie! All set up to go kablooey!

Mum: *barely paying attention* Are they still on the bus?
Me: No, this is a subway train.
Mum: What happened to the bus?
Me: It blew up.
Mum: Already?
Me: ...

Intense!Keanu. See how intense he is!

Smoochies, and the end!

You know, they kiss better in The Lake House.

Now, quote icons!

keanu, fangirlism, beefcake, picspam

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