Dec 17, 2007 22:35
I was wrong. I was completely wrong. Hady actually won Asian Idol and i'm still in shock >:{ When Ata announced the winner i had expected it to be either Malaysia, Phillipines or maybe Indonesia. But i was wrong. The judges were wrong. How could Hady possibly win? I'm not trying to say that i doubt his abilities and of course his talents, but through this competition we all know he wasn't the best. But i was wrong. He won and he proved it. I was disappointed, obviously. And people could also predict that i cried cos Mike hadn't won.
But oh please. The other five contestants are already big winners and they don't even need the title "asian idol" to make it big and make themselves famous. Look at Phuong Vy. She didn't win Asian Idol but i can bet a 100% that she can still make it big. Even in Hollywood. Just look at her. She has the most commercial value and she could be the next big Asian in Hollywood. Abhijeet is already a rising star in Bollywood. Does he even need to be titled as Asian Idol? And as for Mike, Mao and jaclyn, we all know they are the ones who have the strong voices. And they'll make it big time in their career as singers, for sure and without a doubt.
Just a random comment. What woud Hady be like if he hadn't won Asian Idol? Hmm, probably not much.
I don't even look out for him or even realized him that he won Sg idol last season. I only knew him after he won. And i though Christopher (runner up) did a better job. What still don't get me is that why hadn't Sg pick Taufik Batisah(1st sg idol) as their pick for Asian Idol? He has the potential.
But then again, i'm not trying to say that Hady is a lousy shit. He won anyway. And he deserves it. Well...somehow. It left me speechless when he was announced as the winner and i literally got glued into the tivo and turned it off immediately when he sang his indian duet again. I'm also very sure that the judges were also very surprised cos they had already predicted that Mike, Mao and Jaclyn are the sure-winners. I think things happen like this when it comes to singing competions. You know who are the sure-winners but you are completely wrong. This so called incident actually happened in American idol. Does anyone remember the contestant Melinda? She was perfect and without a doubt, she was the best. But she got kicked out and Jordan won anyway. But we all know she's better and she doesn't really have to be titled as American idol to make herself famous cos she already had the potential.
But at the end of the day, after all that fretting and disappointment, we know, and we would definitely have to admit, that Mike, Mao and Jaclyn are the better ones. I still think that what made hady won was probably due to female voters who actually voted cos he looked appealing instead of judging his performance. But i think it all adds up for people to judge, right?
To me, it's a disastrous irony.
I should really just fuck off and keep my mouth shut before all the die-hard Hady fans start throwing darts at me. But to be frank, i AM disappointed and still in shock. I'm unhappy and i'm tired cos i've been thinking about it all night. If you think that whatever i've said earlier was mean, it's true. I'm sorry if i dislike Hady. I just don't. Not because the contestants i voted lost because of him, i just don't think he really deserves it. But still, i can't say that i couldn't accept that he is the winner, it's just that i'm so darn upset. And i also would like to apologise for blogging out my nasty views and opinions, but i can't help it. I get mean when i'm tired and when i'm disappointed.
And thank you bestie for picking up my late night call even though you were fighting with your insomniac nights. But most importantly, thank you for tolerating me and hearing me rant the whole night. You are right, what's a hyenna without her monkey? :D