(no subject)

Oct 16, 2007 22:52

 Some hilarious conversations we had in school,

melvin: eh, how much did you score for maths?
me: **
melvin: what?! you win me by one mark?!
me: *smiles* 
melvin: english?
me: **
melvin: HARH?! win me by one mark also?!
me: hahahahah.
melvin: why do you always win me by one mark?! D:
me: that's too bad melvin, maybe you should've try harder.
melvin: D:
estelle: carol, which combi are you taking?
me: erm, i dunno, 1? 2? i really don't know.
me: haiyoh, can don't choose? eh, kat what're you taking?
kat: 3.
me: f&n or Dnt?
kat: F&N lah!! can die for dnt man...
me: harh?! i'd rather take dnt. f&n need to do 40 pages of coursework leh!
kat: there's always a reason how our seniors can make it for f&n.
me: by killing yourself on 40 pages of coursework.
kat: no! at most make the font size bigger, and then make the paper smaller.
me: -.- 
kat: oh! if not give teacher 40 sheets of paper but do only 20 pages. can cheat what...
me: LOL!
kat: eh, you taking aems?
me: hmm, maybe...
kat: what? gene explorer?
me: eh how you know?
kat: dna and genes ah...
me: eh i tell you what, you tick all ''yes'' for the aems.
kat: you think no need money ah! $55 for each course.
me: nvm, i pay ALL for you.
kat: wah? really ah? OKAY AH! free leh.
me: don't so enthu. you'll need to study for 4 times 20 hours. total study time is 200hours.
kat: O.O
me: HAHAHAHA! i pay for you lah, then you go for 200hours course! EVERY WEEK!
kat: -.-
me: eh! eh! eh! B****** leh!!!
kat: *looks up*
me: he came just to see you!!!!! *squeals*
estelle: eh kat, B****** leh!
clarissa: -.-
kat: .....
me: HAHA!
(okay, kat is SO gonna kill me for putting this up)
me: *types text messages to ardisa in class*
mrs goh: caroline! busy?!
me: erm, ehehehe. *put phone away* *takes our calculator and start punching numbers*
vera: what do you think of me?
me: erm....
vera: seriously, tell me! the good and the bad. 
me: you're the best bitch :)
vera: no, i need bad points!
me: what for?
vera: i need to do some soul-searching and change my attitude.
me: -.- siao. i'm not so free to answer your qns.
vera: eh, hurry up!
me: okay maybe you should try changing yourself by NOT snoring in the middle of the night?
vera: EH!
me: that's what you want right?
vera: *gives excuses like she didn't snore, just that she breathes through her mouth?*
me: don't tell me whatever shit. you need to stop snoring. it'll help.
vera: thanks, i really needed it.

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